Our Board

Our Board of Trustess ("Board") are:

Sally Shaw (Parent Representative, Presiding Member (previously known as Board Chair))

Abbey Johansson (Parent Elected Board Member)

Owen Kilgour (Parent Elected Board Member)

Mellinda Packham (Parent Elected Board Member)

Amie Drnasin (Parent Elected Board Member)

Nikita Te Whata (Kāti Māhaki ki Makaawhio Representative)

Davida Simpson (Ngāti Waewae Representative)

Claire Jevins (Staff Elected Board Member)

Sandra Keenan (Principal)

Contact the Board:  board@hokitika.school.nz 

What the Board Does

Find out more about the role of the Board here, or click the image.

Strategic Plan

Every year, staff and the Board of Trustees revise the Strategic Plan. We look at our overall aims and goals, analyse progress, and set new goals for the future. Please find our Hokitika Primary School 2024 - 2025 Strategic Plan below, and here.

Board Meeting Minutes:

Minutes 10th June.pdf
Minutes 5th August.pdf

Annual Reports:

School Docs

School Docs is an online review system which allows whānau,  board members, and staff to comment on policies and procedures online. EVERYBODY who is is part of the Hokitika School community is welcome to view these documents and have their say.

Login to SchoolDocs at this link: https://hokitika.schooldocs.co.nz/ 

Username: hokitika   Password: 230park

Concerns and Complaints

Here is a summary of our Concerns and Complaints Process

More detailed information can be found in School Docs (details above), type “concerns” into search field.