Our uniform is as follows:
Red polo shirt - short-sleeved or long-sleeved (most students wear short-sleeved) - with school logo or without.
Red fleece jersey - with school logo or without. Usually with a short zip. No hoodies please.
Navy blue shorts, skorts, culottes or track pants.
Shoes or sandals - any colour. Ideally footwear that children can wear to run, climb trees and play.
Summer Terms (1 and 4): Wide-brimmed hat of any colour. NO caps please.
In the Summer Terms, students also need swimwear and a towel.
Uniform items with our HPS logo can be bought directly from our office. Payment is required at the time of purchase:
Red polo shirt: $32
Red polar fleece: $48
( Thank you to our local supplier Signlink)
Do please note that it is not compulsory to have items with the school logo. Non-branded clothing is fine, as long as it matches our colours. Additionally, we usually have some second-hand uniform items for sale at school.
Red Streetwear in Hokitika stock navy shorts and skorts.
Postie Plus Hokitika and The Warehouse Greymouth have a range of uniform items.