Specialist staff

Resource Teacher of Literacy

My name is Jenny Green, the Resource Teacher of Literacy (RTLit) for the Westland Cluster.

I service 11 schools in the Westland district, for students from Year 1 to 8. My office is based at Hokitika Primary School.

Teachers who have concerns about students' reading, writing and/or oral language skills refer them to me. I carry out assessments to determine areas of strength and areas of need. I then design programmes for these students and either work one-to-one with them or in small groups. I also support teachers to implement strategies that will help students in the classroom. 

I usually work with students for two terms, three days a week. They are assessed regularly to ascertain their progress. Parent support and consultation is always encouraged and valued.

Please message me or pop in to see me if you would like a chat.



Literacy Support Teacher

We are very fortunate to have a fully trained Literacy Support teacher working within our school - Caitlin Reid.

Literacy Support is an early literacy intervention that provides trained one-to-one teaching for children who have not made the expected progress learning to read and write in their first year of school.

Children receiving Literacy Support from Whaea Caitlin will be taught in a one-to-one situation for 30 minutes every day for a period of about 17-20 weeks, depending on progress. In each day's lesson they will write a story and read several books. Most children catch up quickly with the average level of their class. A small number of children are identified for further assessment and ongoing specialist help.