
Who can help?
We know that individuals, children/tamariki, adults and familes/whānau can sometimes face tough times or hardship. Our school community is here to help. Please feel free to reach out to our school office or a staff member if you want help or advice.
Below are a range of resources that can be a starting point for understanding trauma. These resources have been gathered from a variety of sources. Some are for adults, some are for tamariki (children). Some are free and others have associated costs.
What is Trauma? Trauma can be defined as an overwhelming experience/s that can undermine an individual’s belief that the world is good and safe (Berry Street Victoria, 2013).
So that we can ensure this page continues to be useful, we welcome feedback about these resources. Please email office@hokitika.school.nz:
if you have had a good experience with any of these resources
if you have had trouble or experienced barriers with any of them
if you know of other resources we could share here
if you need help to access any of them
Readings - click each image to view or download

If you prefer, you can view ALL of the resources on this web page in one place - click on the folder below.