About Our School
In 2025 we have around 200 students learning across ten classrooms. We provide our students with a personalised and holistic learning experience within a safe and welcoming school environment that enables them to thrive and realise their full potential.
At HPS we are committed to several key programmes:
Structured Literacy (in both English-medium and Māori-medium)
PB4L - Positive Behaviour for Learning
The Enviroschools programme: this helps us to focus on sustainability and building a bright future.
The Manaiakalani programme: this supports teachers to deliver quality, meaningful, best-practise digital learning experiences.
Our vision is that our students flourish now and in their future lives as confident global citizens who are open, kind and collaborative, think creatively, reason critically and communicate effectively.
The Staff, Board of Trustees and I are proud to have created a fun, safe, welcoming environment for all tamariki (children) and their whānau (family, extended family, and caregivers). We look forward to welcoming new whānau to our school.
Nāku noa, nā
Sandra Keenan, Principal.
English medium and Māori medium, tell me more...
English medium simply means the students are instructed in English for most of the day. Māori medium simply means the students are instructed in te reo Māori for most of the day.
We work hard to not use the terms 'mainstream' and 'bilingual' - because we don't want to perpetuate the idea that English need be the 'normal' language of education, and because our Māori-medium classrooms do not deliver bilingual education - they deliver immersion education in one language, te reo Māori. (English is included as a minority language of communication).
Our Māori medium classrooms are collectively known as Rūma Rumaki Reo. Our English medium classrooms are known by their individual class names. See all of our classes and kaiako (teachers) here.